How do EBSCO databases work in Alma and Primo?
You activate your EBSCO databases in Alma but you can’t search for articles or journals using EBSCO search records in Primo because EBSCO does not share that data with Ex Libris. Most of the time, this is not a problem, as the Central Discovery Index (CDI) publishing job matches all activated content, including EBSCO content, with all CDI search records based on identifier or title. With billions of search records stored in the CDI, there's a good chance that your EBSCO titles will find a match and be searchable. However, if there is a journal that only allows EBSCO the rights to their indexing, that title may not be indexed in the CDI, and articles may not be discoverable in Primo.
See also How does the Central Discovery Index (CDI) work and what do I need to know?