Can you boost certain resource types to higher search result ranking in Primo VE, such as making books sort higher in the result ranking than eBooks?


You can boost by field, date, and resource type for local content under Configuration Menu > Discovery > Search Configuration > Ranking Configuration. See Configuring the Ranking of Search Results in Primo VE.

Your changes to ranking should happen right away. Ex Libris recommends that you make changes incrementally because boosting can have a big impact on your search results, so you'll want to thoroughly test each change before making more adjustments. Note that Ranking Configuration only affects local (Alma) records and not CDI records.

You can boost your institutional holdings within a scope that includes the full NZ holdings:

  • The boost factor should be high. You can start with a very large number (100, 1000), you will see things starting to change and then can tune the number.

  • When testing boosting/ search changes: you should change the search after you modify the boost. You can use the same search term but change one letter from uppercase to lowercase (e.g. change Nature to nature) so the search will be re-calculated.

Ex Libris Resources: Boosting Records in Blended Search Profiles


  • Last Updated Nov 13, 2024
  • Views 1486
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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