How do I manually delete a holdings record in Alma?
Deleting Holdings Records:
- Delete attached item records, if they exist. Item records attached to a holdings record MUST be deleted before a holdings record can be deleted:
- Perform a repository search
- Click Items from the ellipses
- Withdraw Items:
- For one item: Click Withdraw from the ellipses of the item record to be deleted. Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears
- For more than one item: Click in the boxes next to the items to be deleted. Click Withdraw items. Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears
- When all items are deleted from a holdings record the "Last item(s) of Holdings record deleted or moved" action box appears
- Click on the radio button for "Delete Bibliographic record (unless other holdings are present)" and click Go
- A message will appear above the title saying the item has been successfully deleted
- Click Back (or < arrow)
- If the Holdings Record has no items:
- Perform a repository search
- Click Holdings
- Click in the box next to the holdings without inventory
- Click Delete Holdings
- Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears
Deleting a Holdings Records in the MD Editor:
- Perform a repository search
- Click Holdings
- Click Edit from the ellipses of the holdings record without inventory
- Click Record Actions>Delete Record
- Click Yes when the confirmation message appears
- Click Close when the information message appears