How do eBook links work in Primo VE?
eBook links are either managed at the Service level for the collection, which is best practice, or individually on the eBook portfolio. Whenever possible, use CZ portfolios rather than local portfolios so that linking will be automatically updated for you if the package changes its linking method.
Service Level Linking:
- Look up the eBook collection name as Electronic Collection Name in the Electronic Collection search, and click on Edit Service to see the links in the "linking" tab:
- The Parser parameters are what your link will be based on. If you have an id for this collection, like for Gale products or, in this case, for STAT!Ref, you'll need to scroll down this page and make sure that your ID has been entered:
- When you're adding a new package, you want to make sure that the ID is added at the service level so that it will work for all portfolios/titles in your collection.
Title Level Linking:
- You can also find links for individual titles by searching for Electronic Title, clicking on the portfolio, and then clicking on view or edit:
- Once you're in the portfolio, you'll see the inherited parser parameter from the collection, and you'll also be able to tell if there's a static URL assigned to your eBook. You can test access to the eBook right from this screen.