What are best practices for managing Films on Demand (FOD) in Alma and Primo?



There are several options for managing your Films on Demand collections in Alma and Primo:

Add a Local Collection

Pros: You have total control over the content in the collection and the records that you add might be better than what's in the CZ or the CDI
Cons: You have to manage this collection manually as the titles change, and the import profile has many pieces and can be complicated to set up


  • Create a collection “container” by either creating a local electronic collection or activating the collection in the CZ (note that this CZ collection has portfolios but it's a selective package so you can choose to add your own records rather than using what's in the collection):

Films on Demand in CZ

films on demand title data tab

export list films on demand

  • For the first time, select the All Records option, and name the file. If not, the FOD system will name that file “Custom_xxxxxx.mrc.” When the file is generated, download and save that .mrc file 
  • Create an institution import profile in Alma: Alma>Resources>Import>Manage Import Profiles
    • Add new profile > choose profile type “Repository” > click next
    • Make sure to uncheck the ‘Use Network Zone’
    • Profile name - can be anything you want
    • Originating system - choose ‘Films Media Group’
    • Import Protocol - choose Upload File/s
    • Physical source format - Binary
    • Encoding format - UTF-8
    • Source Format, Target Format - MARC21 Bibliographic
    • Status - Active
    • Click Next
    • No need to change anything on Filter & Normalization, Click Next
    • Match Profile:
      • Match by Serial/Non serial - Yes
      • Serial match method & Non Serial match method - Unique OCLC Identifier Method
    • Match Actions:
      • Handling method - Automatic
      • Upon match - Merge
    • Merge/Overlay
      • Merge method - Overlay all fields but local
    • Select actions: 
      • Do not Override/merge a record with lower brief version, 
      • Unlink bibliographic records from community zone
    • Automatic multi-match handling
    • Select actions:
      • Disregard matches for bibliographic CZ linked records
      • Disregard invalid/canceled system control number identifiers
    • Merge records and combine inventory for multi-match
    • Merge and Combine - Manually
    • Preferred record - Record with highest brief level
    • Secondary record - Delete
    • Merge method - Overlay all fields but local
    • Update holdings call number - No
    • Handle Record Redirection
    • Canceled Record - Delete
    • Merge Method - Overlay all fields but local
    • No Match
    • Upon no match - Import
    • Then click Next
  • Set Management Tags - No need to change anything here, Click Next
  • Inventory operations - Electronic
  • E-book Mapping [this is just a template language from Alma Out-of-the-box, can be used for any e-resources]
  • Electronic Collection - search for title
  • Service - Full Text
  • Material type - Streaming Video
  • Choose Multiple portfolios
  • Extract portfolio information from field - 856
  • Extract access URL from subfield - u
  • Extract public note from subfield - z
  • Activate resource - Yes 
  • Click Save
  • Run the job under that import profile: Alma > Resources > Import - Manage Import Profiles

run import profile

select your films on demand file

might break into multiple files

refresh to see progress

  • After the job is completed, check the imported titles/collection in Alma & Primo

CZ Collection:
Pros: portfolios are already in Alma and will be updated as changes happen to any of those titles in terms of linking, bib info, etc.
Cons: selective activation means that you still have to control what changes as far as titles added or deleted
  • You can activate the selective CZ collection and then either manually activate the titles that you own, or use the portfolio loader to upload an Excel list of titles and match on the CZ records

Films on Demand in CZ

  • To activate the collection, choose Activate in the right of the entry, and say yes to manually activate/load the portfolios
  • To add the portfolios with the portfolio loader, click the three dots to the right of Activate, edit service, go to portfolio tab and add titles

CDI Link in Record

Pros: Ex Libris data services manages the adding and deleting titles in the collection
Cons: The collection is all or nothing: you need to have access to all of the titles in the collection or your patrons will end up with false positive holdings in Primo. It can be challenging to see what's included in the collection.


  • Search the CZ for Films on Demand
  • Identify a collection that matches what you subscribe to in Films on Demand, e.g. Films On Demand Master Academic Video Package
  • Make sure that the collection is a Full Text Linking in CDI = "link in record" collection, meaning that both the bib record and the link will come from the CDI, rather than the search record coming from the CDI and the fulfillment link coming from Alma (Full-text linking in CDI = link resolver)
  • Make sure that you have the CDI Operator role and select Activate for Search in CDI: 

cdi link in record collection for films on demand

  • It will take 48-72 hours for the content to start appearing in Primo
  • Last Updated Dec 26, 2024
  • Views 3120
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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Comments (2)

  1. Thank you for these instructions and initial set-up, Kristy. Works great! After the initial load, I use this same import profile for updates? For both the New Records File as well as the Discontinued Titles files? Or do I need to make a separate profile for deletes?
    by Susanna - Tompkins Cortland on Jun 26, 2019
  2. Susanna,
    That profile is only for adding new titles. You will need to create a separate process to update your inventory for the deletes. I don't have my live system yet, but as soon as we go live, I will update this FAQ.
    by Kristy Lee on Jun 26, 2019