How do I configure the ITEC FTP connection in Alma so I can use integration profiles for SIS loads?
Adding the SFTP server:
- Configuration Menu>General>External Systems>Allowed S/FTP Connections
- Click Add Row
- Type in the FTP Hostname/IP:
- Type in the FTP Hostname/IP Description: [your choice of description]
- Click the Add Row button
- Click Save
- Configuration Menu>General>External Systems>S/FTP Definitions
- Click Add S/FTP connection
- Type in the Name
- Type in the Port: 2222
- Type in the Server:
- Type in the username: zzz_dev (zzz is the three-letter campus code)
- Type in the password [contact if you need this information]
- Leave all the other fields’ defaults
- Click the Test FTP button
- If it works, click the Save button