How do we set up hold, resource sharing, and ILLiad request links in Alma/Primo VE? And how do General Electronic Services (GES) work with Display Logic?


Table of Contents:

General Notes:

  • The visibility of Request Links in Alma/Primo are directly tied to the patron’s status and whether they’re allowed to place requests of any kind.
  • Patrons will need to login in order to see the Request Links unless you configure the system to do otherwise.

Hold Requests:

  • These “Request Item” links will show on anything that you own that has been configured to be requestable in your Terms Of Use (TOUs)
  • Patrons:
    • You can decide which patron groups are allowed to request an item in your TOUs.
    • If you disallow a patron group from placing holds, the Request Item link will not show for them after Primo login.
  • Availability:
    • If you don't want to allow hold requests for things that are on the shelf, you can modify your "On Shelf Request Policy" in the Fulfillment Unit Details to reflect that choice
    • If you want to push requests for items that are checked out or non-loanable to Resource Sharing or ILLiad, rather than making your patron wait for your item to be returned, you can configure your Request Item link to only show when an item is available

Primo VE Display:

Modify Link:

  • To change the wording of the link, go to Alma Configuration>Discovery>Discovery Configuration>Labels and search Description for Request item:
    search label description
  • You’ll find the option to change the link wording in Results Tile Labels, Error Messages Labels, and Request Options Labels:
    change hold wording
  • Click on the three buttons on the right to change the name of the link. If you don’t see the option to edit, you may need to update your user roles to give you that permission. 
  • You can do advanced configuration on how the Request Item link appears, where it appears, and how it's formatted. 

Modify Form:

  • You can change the fields that are displayed in the form in Alma Configuration>Institution>Discovery>GetIt Configuration>Hold and Booking Request

Physical Material Requests – SUNY Resource Sharing:

  • SUNY Library Services recommends that you start with SUNY Resource Sharing for physical item requests from the SUNY Catalog or Worldcat search in Primo VE.
  • The SUNY Resource Sharing rota can be set up to send unfilled requests out to ILLiad, so you don’t have to set up a separate ILLiad request link for physical materials.


Modify Link:

  • You can customize the Resource Sharing Request link:
    Modify Resource Sharing link
  • To modify the link, go to Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Labels>Request options Labels:
    Request Option Labels
  • The first line, “AlmaResourceSharing,” controls the Resource sharing link. You can add code to the description field, so if you want to make the link look more like a link to your patrons rather than the default black text, you can add a fake <a href="#"> around your wording to make it look more like a traditional link.


Modify Form:

  • Modify the fields that show in the Request Form in Configuration>Discovery>GetIt Configuration>Resource Sharing Request but be careful with this because the more fields you make visible to the patron, the more options they have to modify the request and break the underlying code for that request


You may set up links to ILLiad to request items through General Electronic Services.

  • Go to Configuration>Fulfillment>Discovery Interface Display Logic>General Electronic Services:
    general electronic service
  • Once you’re inside of the General Electronic Services area, click on Add Service:
    Add service
  • In the Add Service pop-up, pick a name for your service code and name, enter what you’d like your patrons to see on the link name in “Public Name,” say yes to the “Is this a Document Delivery/ILL service” question, decide where in Primo you’d like this link to display (Getit & How To Getit), enter your OpenURL address (see below), and decide if you want to apply the link at the item level or not:
    Add Service form

URL Templates:


Configure Availability:

Once you’ve set up your ILLiad General Electronic service(s), you need to edit it/them to add availability rules to tell the system how and when to display the links.

Service Details:

  • At the bottom of the Service Details for the service, you’ll see radio button options:
    Disable service options
  • Select “Enable without Login = Yes” if you want ILLiad request links to show for all users without logging in
  • Disable Service: Setting this to disable service when service is owned works to hide the request link in all cases where you have physical or electronic access to the content.

Service Availability Rules Tab:

  • At the bottom of the Service Availability Rule Tab, you want the Default general electronic services rule to be set to "Is Display" = False. You will then set up specific criteria to tell the system when to display your ILLiad link(s).
  • To add a rule for display, go to Add Rule:
    Add rule
  • Call the rule whatever you’d like and add the criteria for display. For example, this rule tells the system to display the ILLiad link when the genre of your Primo search result item is article:
    article genre display rule
  • Here’s a list of the few of the genres you might want to set up for ILLiad article display: Articles (rft.genre=article), Journal (rft.genre=journal), Conference Proceedings (rft.genre=proceeding), Technical report (rft.genre=report) , Document (rft.genre=document). You can add as many rules as you’d like. To determine what genre is being used by a specific Primo VE search result, add &DisplayCTO=true to the end of the URL and click the CTO link to look at the underlying metadata.
  • For books, your availability rule would be rft.genre=book


Modify Form:

  • There’s no form to modify in Alma for this because it’s linking out directly via OpenURL to your ILLiad webpages. You would make any changes to the request form in ILLiad, not Alma.

Pulling it All Together: Using Display Logic to Determine What Links Display in Primo for Whom and When

  • To set up Display Logic Rules for Request Display in Primo, go to Configuration>Fulfillment>Discovery Interface Display Logic and choose Display Logic Rules:
    Display logic
  • To Add a Rule, click on “Add Rule”:
    Add rule display
  • User Group Display: You can tell the system to only display certain requests for certain user groups, use the drop-downs to make selections from your pre-existing user groups and services. For example, if you don’t want community patrons to be able to place Resource Sharing Requests or ILLiad Requests, you could use the follow rules:
    patron rule
    patron rule
  • Request Priority: You can also tell the system to hide different Request Types based on each other. For example, if you want to hide the SUNY Resource Sharing Request link if you own an item and it’s requestable through a Hold Request, you could set up this rule:
    Priority rule
  • If the hold request link is still displaying, you may need to modify the rule. For example, you may need to hide the Resource Sharing request by using “Availability by the Campus”:
    Availability by campus
  • You could also tell the system not to display the SUNY Resource Sharing Request if there’s an ILLiad Article request already on the item. Because you told the ILLiad Article link to only display on items with specific genres, this will keep SUNY Resource Sharing Requests from showing up on non-physical things:
  • If you want to be able to request articles for which you have physical holdings, the best thing to do is to choose disable service = never and then create a display logic rule to to hide this GES when there are full-text services on the record:
    hide ILLiad ges when full-text
  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 6885
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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