How do I remove a fine or fee that has been paid elsewhere on campus?



Check with your institutional lead to determine your third party integrations. If none, follow these instructions:

  1. Determine the contact person for reconciling fines/fees between the Library and the Bursar.
  2. Have that person verify that a payment has been made (this is unique to each campus: whether it's a phone call, receipt, trusting comment).
  3. In top navigation, go to Fulfillment > Manage Patron Services
  4. Look up user account
  5. Click on 'Pay' button
    click on pay
  6. After you click "Pay", this pop up will appear:
    pay popup
  7. Select "All Fines" or "Specific Fine" - dependent on the situation
  8. Next, select the Payment Method. The current methods available are: Cash, Debit, Credit, Online, and Check. Libraries cannot have new payment types added as a new label, but they can re-use existing labels.
    For instance, "Bursar's Office" can be used in place of "Online." Ex Libris will need to make this change via a Salesforce ticket submission. This is not something libraries can do on their own.
  9. Add a comment to the popup if you feel compelled.
  10. Click "Send"
  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2023
  • Views 159
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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