What can I do if a patron disputes a fine or fee?


Patrons cannot dispute through Alma/Primo using a form or other means. Disputes are collected through means defined at the local level. However, there is a Dispute function in Alma that allows the Circulation Desk Manager to reduce or eliminate the amount of fine/fee applied to a balance.

Role needed to use Dispute function: Circulation desk manager


Look up the user in the persistent search bar
Click on the desired username form the results list
Click on the Fines/Fees tab
Find the particular Fine/Fee that is being disputed, and click on the ellipsis on the right-hand side:
find the fine/fee


Indicate a reason for why the Fine/Fee dispute was resolved:
add a reason


After you click the “Dispute” button, you will be presented with a confirmation screen:

dispute confirmation


After you click “Confirm,” you will be brought back to the list of Fines and Fees for that user. You should see that the Fine/Fee that was disputed is no longer in the list:
fine/fee is gone


Disputed fines/fees can be restored by changing the dropdown menu value for “Status” to “All.” You should see a list of all of the fines/fee regardless of whether they were paid:

change status to all


The newly restored fine/fee will now appear under the Active fines/fees (with the new comment that was added above):

fine/fee is restored

  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2023
  • Views 288
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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