How can I add an order without using funds?


You have two options:

  • Use the Gift procedure as described in AWG-5
  • Use the "Technical" Purchase type. With this type you may still add a price, if you wish, and then use Reporting Codes to to associate with "funds" without creating an fund infrastructure.

Technical Purchase Type

From Ex Libris Knowledge Center's review of Acquisition Methods
"Relevant for service subscription orders without inventory or items that have migrated from an external system. Often used for multi-part orders where you pay once and receive multiple resources.

If you are ordering multi-part serials, it is recommended that you have one, main PO line (with fund information) for the subscription and an additional Technical PO line for each item that you are to receive at a different interval. You then associate each Technical PO line with the main PO line.

If you are working with a mixed print and electronic order, it is recommended that you have one, main PO line (with fund information) for the electronic inventory and an additional Technical PO line for the printed material (so that you can receive this material). You then associate the Technical PO line with the main PO line.

  • The behavior of this method is identical to that of the Depository, Exchange, and Gift methods, with the exception of its display in a report.
  • Pricing and fund information are not mandatory for this method."


  • Last Updated Dec 24, 2024
  • Views 167
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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