How should I manage borrowing loan requests in ILLiad once they've been transferred to Alma?


The ILLiad Alma NCIP client addon will automatically create a record in Alma when a borrowing loan request is checked in from the lending library in the ILLiad client, but it will not automatically update ILLiad once the item has been checked out in Alma. Below is a list of suggestions for how to manage borrowing loan requests in ILLiad once they've been transferred to Alma. You are free to do what works best for your library, and you are welcome to develop workflows not included in this list of suggestions.

1. Circulate items in Alma and ILLiad simultaneously

  • when a user picks up an item, circulation desk staff would check the item out in both Alma and ILLiad 

2. Batch circulate items in ILLiad on a daily basis

  • when a user picks up an item, circulation desk staff would check the item out only in Alma
  • ILL staff would check Alma to see which ILLiad items were checked out on a particular day and then check those items out in ILLiad
  • To determine which ILLiad items were checked out on a particular day, navigate to Fulfillment | Borrowing Requests and then use the facets on the left to limit the requests where Status is "Loaned item to patron", Active Partner is "ILLiad Requests", and the Update Date is either "Yesterday" or "Today."

find items


3. Use a custom routing rule to move the request to a queue like the Checked Out to Customer queue and then use ILLiad's Display Statuses feature to have that status display to users as something like "Please Check Your Primo Account."

set up routing rule 

change status

  • Last Updated Aug 25, 2023
  • Views 934
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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