How do I turn off borrowing notifications in ILLiad?


If you're using the ILLiad Alma NCIP Client addon to circulate ILLiad borrowing loans in Alma, you will want to turn off borrowing pick-up notifications and overdue notices in ILLiad.

1. To turn off pick-up notifications off, log in to your ILLiad Customization Manager and create a custom routing rule that bypasses the Awaiting Customer Contact queue. You can have the routing rule route requests to whatever queue works best for your library. For more information on creating custom routing rules, please see 
set up custom routing rule

2. To turn off borrowing overdue notices, log in to your ILLiad Customization Manager and set the value of the BorrowingOverdueNoticesActive key to "No". 
turn off notices

  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2023
  • Views 571
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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