How do I turn off borrowing and/or lending resource sharing in Alma?


Table of Contents

Note: Turning off borrowing will turn off both book borrowing and article borrowing. If you'd like to turn off just book borrowing, please email


Roles Needed

You need to have either the General System Administrator or Fulfillment Administrator role to turn resource sharing on or off.

How to Turn Off Lending

1. Navigate to Configuration and then select your resource sharing library from the Configuring dropdown. If you're not sure which of your libraries is your resource sharing library, email

go to configuration


2. Click the Fulfillment tab and then click the Library Details link.

library details


3. Scroll down to the Lending Setup section of the Details tab and check the Temporary inactive for lending box.  An Inactive date ranges field will then appear.  If you would like to turn your lending off for an indefinite period, skip ahead to step 5.  If you'd like to turn your lending off for a specific period of time, move on to step 4.

lending setup


4. Click anywhere in the Inactive date ranges field.  A calendar will appear.  Select the start and end day of your desired inactive period.  The calendar will close once you select the end day, and the inactive date range you selected will appear in the Inactive date ranges field.

Note: Once the end date passes, your lending will automatically be turned back on.  However, the Temporary Inactive for Lending box will not be automatically unchecked, and you'll still see the inactive dates you selected in the Inactive Date Ranges field. 

modify calendar


5. Click the Save button.

save calendar changes


How to Turn Off Borrowing

Note: Turning off borrowing will turn off both book borrowing and article borrowing.  If you'd like to turn off just book borrowing, please email


1. Navigate to Configuration and then select your resource sharing library from the Configuring dropdown.

find library


2. Click the Fulfillment tab and then click the Library Details link.

choose library details


3. Scroll down to the Lending Setup section of the Details tab and check the Temporary inactive for lending box.  An Inactive date ranges field will then appear.  If you would like to turn your borrowing off for an indefinite period, skip ahead to step 5.  If you'd like to turn your borrowing off for a specific period of time, move on to step 4.

set temporary inactive


4. Click anywhere in the Inactive date ranges field.  A calendar will appear.  Select the start and end day of your desired inactive period.  The calendar will close once you select the end day, and the inactive date range you selected will appear in the Inactive date ranges field.

adjust calendar


5. Click the Save button.

save your changes


How to Turn Borrowing and Lending Back On

If you entered dates into the Inactive Date Range field, your borrowing/lending will automatically be turned back on once the end date passes. However, the Temporary Inactive for Borrowing/Lending box will not be automatically unchecked, and you'll still see the inactive dates you selected in the Inactive Date Ranges field.

If you did not enter dates into the Inactive Date Range field, you will need to manually uncheck the Temporary Inactive for Borrowing/Lending box to turn your borrowing/lending back on.

  • Last Updated Aug 25, 2023
  • Views 2499
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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