How can I make sure requests transferred from Alma to ILLiad aren't sent to SUNY libraries?


Requests that are transferred from Alma to ILLiad via the email import feature have already gone unfilled within the SUNY system, so they should not be sent to SUNY libraries through OCLC. They should be sent only to non-SUNY libraries on the ELD courier and then to libraries not on the ELD courier. To do this, you will first want to create custom holdings groups and a custom holdings path to be used specifically for requests transferred from alma to ILLiad. A list of non-SUNY libraries on the ELD courier and documentation for creating custom holdings groups and paths are below.

Sending Requests Manually

If you wish to manually send request imported from Alma, you can have ILLiad route those requests to a custom queue with a name like "Request Imported from Alma" and then manually select the non-SUNY custom holdings path you created when processing requests. 

Sending Requests via Direct Request

Users will almost certainly continue to submit requests directly to ILLiad after we all go live with Primo, and you'll want to continue to use Direct Request to send those requests to SUNY Libraries. In order to send requests imported from Alma via Direct Request to non-SUNY libraries, you will need to create a second direct request profile for loans. To differentiate that profile from the profile you're using for requests submitted directly to ILLiad, you will need to use a Direct Request field other than Request Type for both your original Direct Request profile and the non-SUNY Direct Request profile. I suggest using the Patron Departments field. You will also need an ILLiad request field to store the information that'll be fed into the Patron Departments field of the OCLC workform. Any text field you are not currently using will suffice.  To configure this workflow:

1. Once you have identified the ILLiad request field you wish to use, edit the WorkFormMapping table in your Customization Manager so the contents of that field are mapped to the patrondepartment field in the OCLC workform. For more information on OCLC work form mapping, please see

2. Create a Direct Request profile specifically for requests imported from Alma. When creating this profile, put "NOTSUNY" in the Patron Department field and select the custom holdings path you created that does not include SUNY libraries. The rest of the settings can match the settings for your current Direct Request profile. For more information on creating Direct Request profiles, please see

3. Add "SUNY" to the Patron Department field of your current Direct Request profile.  

4.  Edit the custom routing rule you are currently using to route requests to Awaiting Direct Request Sending so it instead routes requests to a custom queue with a name like "Direct Requests - Send to SUNY." For more information on custom routing rules, please see

5.  For requests in the "Direct Request - Send to SUNY" queue, ask the IDS Project to create a Custom Logic Rule that will insert "SUNY" into the ILLiad field you selected in step 1 and then route the request to Awaiting Direct Request Sending.    

6.  For requests in the "Direct Request - Do Not Send to SUNY" queue, ask the IDS Project to create a Custom Logic Rule that will insert "NOTSUNY" into the ILLiad field you selected in step 1 and then route the request to Awaiting Direct Request Sending.

Below are examples of the Custom Logic Rules you will need IDS to create for you.  To request these Custom Logic Rules, please email


  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "SUNYDirectRequestRouter"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - ILL
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Loan"
  - "Direct Request - Send to SUNY"
  - ItemInfo1: "SUNY"
  RouteTo: "Awaiting Direct Request Sending"

  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "NOTSUNYDirectRequestRouter"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - ILL
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Loan"
  - "Direct Request - Do Not Send to SUNY"
  - ItemInfo1: "NOTSUNY"
  RouteTo: "Awaiting Direct Request Sending"

  • Last Updated Dec 26, 2024
  • Views 738
  • Answered By Timothy Jackson

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