Is there a way to create a set of bibliographic records where the Library of Congress subject field is empty?
There is no way to find bib records without Library of Congress Subject Headings or other specific subject heading thesauri, however bib records without subject headings can be found using:
To find bib records without subject headings using a repository search:
- From an All Titles or Physical Title repository search
- All Titles will include all bib records including CZ linked records in the IZ
- Physical Titles search will only include physical title bib records results
- Click on the Advanced Search icon to the left of the search box
- Make sure Institution is selected
- Select Subjects: Is Empty
- Click Search
- Go to Analytics>Analytics>Design Analytics
- Click on Catalog
- Click Create
- Click on Analysis
- Select Titles Subject Area
- Click on the Bibliographic Details folder
- Double Click on MMSID, Title, Lifecycle, and Subjects to add them to "Selected Column
- Click Filter from the Subjects configuration icon
- Change Operator to is Null
- Click Ok
- Click Filter from the Lifecycle configuration Icon
- Keep "is equal to/ is in"
- Select "In Repository"
- Click Ok
- Save and name the file under shared folders>SUNY [Campus Name] 01SUNY_###>Reports
- Click on Results and it will display a list of titles without subjects in the bib record
- Export this file from analytics from the results tab if you are planning to upload a file to create the itemized set, if not skip to Step 2: Creating an Itemized Set in Alma from the Analytics report created above
- Delete the top two rows with the report name and blank space, but keep the subject headings
- Save the file to your desktop