Why are diacritics displaying strangely in Alma and Primo VE from an OCLC record I exported?


If a bib record has bad/corrupted diacritics or special characters upon import into Alma, try changing Character Set to UTF-8 in the OCLC Connexion Client or OCLC Record Manager. Then, reimport the bib record into Alma. This should resolve the issue.

To verify and/or change the Character Set in OCLC Connexion Client:

  1. In OCLC Connexion Client, go to Tools > Options
  2. Click on the Export tab
  3. Click on Record Characteristics
  4. Verify or change Character Set to UTF-8
  5. Click Ok

To verify and/or change the Character Set in OCLC Record Manager:

  1. In the Record Manager tab, go to User Preferences > Exporting Bibliographic Records
  2. Under the "General" tab select the Format drop-down list
  3. Choose MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode
  4. Click Save
  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2024
  • Views 596
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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