Can you have more than one holding record per location?


You can only have one holdings record per location, but if you need to have more than one holding record, you can do this by adding $t (copy number) to MARC holding field 852 with an identifier, such a 1,2,3, etc.


  1. Perform a repository search
  2. Click Holdings or Click Edit Record
    1. If you Click Holdings:
      • Click Add New Holdings at the top of the screen
      • The new holdings record will open in the MD Editor
    2. If you click Edit Record:
      • Click on Add Inventory>Add MARC21 Holdings>Select a Holding Template (Ctrl+Alt+H)
      • The new holdings record will open on the right-side of the main pane of the MD Editor
  3. Click on MARC field 852
    1. Edit the indicators (indicators tell $$h $$i how to populate the call number)
      • First Indicator - shelving scheme
      • Second Indicator -  shelving indicator
    2. Click Ctrl+F to open 852 in the form editor
      • Location (a) - Institution
      • Sublocation or collection (b) - Library
      • Shelving Location (c) - Location
      • Copy number (t) - use a number to differentiate the holdings number, such as 1, 2, or 3, eg:
         add subfield t
    3. Click on the Save
    4. Click Save>Save and Release Record
      • Click Back (if you used the Add New Holdings workflow)
    5. Click Save>Save and Release Record (if you used the Edit Record workflow)
    6. Click Back
      multiple holdings for single location
  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2024
  • Views 121
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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