Are catalogers responsible for removing fields from OCLC records that are on the current list of fields to keep out of the Network Zone?
The SUNY OCLC Import normalization rule is automatically applied to the OCLC Integration Profiles at point of bib record import into the NZ from OCLC. There is no need for catalogers to omit these fields when exporting records from OCLC or update their OCLC export to exclude the SUNY fields being omitted.
OCLC integration profile:
View the SUNY NZ OCLC Import Normalization Rule used in the NZ OCLC Integration Profile, which also includes rules that change other MARC data upon import into the NZ.
The SUNY normalization rules can be applied to your IZ OCLC integration profile and any vendor imports into your IZ or NZ. It is recommend that any import profiles that import records into the NZ adhere to using the same rules/filters to ensure the standards are across the board. This FAQ explains how to create local rules from the NZ so that they can be used in import profiles and the IZ OCLC integration.
Note that the SUNY rule omits the 856 field. If you want to keep this field in your IZ imports, you would need to edit the file to delete the 856 field rule once you have created an IZ copy. You would also want to remove any other fields from the IZ copy that you want to be imported into your IZ.
DO NOT edit the SUNY OCLC Import normalization rule because this will impact all records imported into the NZ. Instead, create an IZ copy of the SUNY OCLC Import normalization Rule.