How do I get items out of the Technical - Migration process status?


Technical-migration item status was created during migration for item process statuses that existed in the previous Library Management System (LMS), but do not exist in Alma.

Steps to move items out of a process type of Technical – Migration:

  1. Identify items with a process type of Technical – Migration
  2. Create an itemized set of records for items with the process type Technical – Migration
  3. Run the “Change Physical Items Information” job on the set to mark the items missing
  4. Run the “Change Physical Items Information” job on the set to mark the items out of the missing process status

Identify items with a process type of Technical – Migration:

  1. Perform a Physical Items search on the Physical Item Process Type of Technical – Migration

Create an itemized set of records for items with the process type Technical – Migration:

  1. Click the Export icon>Excel (Current View) from the repository results
  2. Create an itemized set
  3. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Manage Sets
  4. Click Add Set>Itemized
  5. Set Details screen opens:
    1. Name: [Name the set - Mandatory]
    2. Description: [Optional]
    3. Private: [Default is No, change to Yes if sharing the set]
    4. Set Content Type: [Physical items]
    5. Status: [Active]
    6. Add Contents from File to Set: [File]
    7. Click on the file icon to upload file
    8. Click Save


Run the “Change Physical Items” job on the set to mark the items missing:

  1. Perform a Physical Items repository search for the Item(s) 
  2. Click Save Query on the item(s) - even if it is one item being changed to missing
  3. Create a set:
    1. Name: [mandatory]
    2. Description: [optional - informational]
    3. Private: [Yes if the set will not be able to be shared with others, otherwise No]
    4. Active: [Yes]
    5. Click Save
  4. Run a job on the set
    1. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
    2. Select the Change physical items information job
    3. Click Next
    4. Click on the radio button of the set the job will be run against
    5. Click Next
    6. Under Change other fields:
      1. Click on the check box next to missing
      2. From the Missing drop-down select Missing
      3. Keep Unconditional as the Condition
    7. Click Next
    8. Review the job parameters
    9. Click Submit
    10. Click Confirm when the pop-up confirmation message appears


Run the “Change Physical Items” job on the set to mark the items out of the missing process status:

  1. Perform a Physical Items repository search for the Item(s) 
  2. Click Save Query on the item(s) - even if it is one item being changed to missing
  3. Create a set:
    1. Name: [mandatory]
    2. Description: [optional - informational]
    3. Private: [Yes if the set will not be able to be shared with others, otherwise No]
    4. Active: [Yes]
    5. Click Save
  4. Run a job on the set
    1. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
    2. Select the Change physical items information job
    3. Click Next
    4. Click on the radio button of the set the job will be run against
    5. Click Next
    6. Under Change other fields:
      1. Click on the check box next to missing
      2. Keep the Missing status blank
      3. Keep Unconditional as the Condition
    7. Click Next
    8. Review the job parameters
    9. Click Submit
    10. Click Confirm when the pop-up confirmation message appears
  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2024
  • Views 705
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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