How do I create an NZ brief bib record for Ordering purposes?
Brief bib records are created when the bib record for the title being ordered is not available in the NZ or in OCLC.
- Go to Resources>Cataloging>Open Metadata Editor
- Go to File>Options
- Make sure Placement of New Record and Templates is set to Network
- Click Save
- Click on Templates in the left pane
- Expand MARC21 Bibliographic folder
- Expand Shared folder
- Click on one of the following:
- SUNY NZ Brief Bib Record (use for monographs)
- SUNY NZ Cont Resources Brief Record (use for continuous)
- SUNY NZ Visual Material (use for visual materials)
- Click New
- Fill out to mandatory MARC fields in the MD Editor from MSP-14
- 020 (ISBN), 022 (ISSN), or 024 (Other Standard Number)
- 100 (Author - if available)
- 245 (Title - in ALL CAPS)
- 250 (Edition - if available)
- 260/264 (Publication Information)
- Click Save
- Click File>Exit
- Click Yes when the pop-up message appears and asks if you want to save the draft before closing
Example of fields to populate using the SUNY NZ Brief Bib Record: