How do I apply the NZ normalization rule to the IZ for an IZ integration or import profile?
Create a copy of the SUNY OCLC Import Normalization Rule:
- Go to Resources>Cataloging>Open Metadata Editor
- Go to File>Options
- Make sure New Rule is set to Local
- Click Rules on the left-side of the metadata editor
- Click on the Normalization Rules folder and expand the folder
- Click on the Shared Folder
- Click on SUNY OCLC Import Normalization Rule
- Click Duplicate
- Name the IZ Rule using the three-letter code to designate your institution
- Example; BIN Copy Of SUNY OCLC import Normalization Rule
- Click Save
- Edit the rule if necessary to meet your IZ needs by removing any fields you wish to be allowed in the IZ records
- Remove the MARC 856 rule from the Copy Of SUNY Normalization Rule for an IZ copy because for ebooks, you want the 856 to come over
- Click Save (Ctrl+S)
- File>Exit (Ctrl+Q)
- Remove the MARC 856 rule from the Copy Of SUNY Normalization Rule for an IZ copy because for ebooks, you want the 856 to come over
- Click Save (Ctrl+S)
- File>Exit (Ctrl+Q)
Create a normalization process:
- Go to Configuration>Resources>Cataloging>Metadata Configuration
- Click on MARC21 Bibliographic under active profiles
- Click on the Normalization Process tab
- Click Add Process
- Name the process and add a description. The name is how you will find the normalization rule to apply it to the the IZ integration and import profiles
- Click Next
- Click Add Tasks
- Click on MARCDROOLSNORMALIZATION (Marc Drools Normalization) check box
- Click Add and Close
- Click Next
- Select the Drools File Key for the local SUNY OCLC Import Normalization Rule
- Click Save
- The normalization rule can now be applied to an import or integration profile
Ex Libris Documentation: