What should I do if a resource sharing request needs to be recalled so it can be placed on course reserves?
The SLC Network Zone Loan Periods Policy allows for recalls of resource sharing items only if the item needs to be placed on course reserve at the lending institution. Here's what you should do if you need to recall an item because the lender needs to place it on course reserve.
Lending Library
1. Click the ellipsis next to the request you need to call and then click the General Message link. A General message window will open.
2. Enter a message stating that the item is needed for course reserves into the Message field and then click the Send button.
3. Follow up with the borrowing library's resource sharing contact via email to make sure they know the item is needed for course reserves. A list of resource sharing contacts can be found here: SUNY Resource Sharing Contacts
Borrowing Library
1. Click the ellipsis next to the request being recalled and then click the Recall link. A Recall window will open.
2. Per the SLC Network Zone Loan Period Policy, items recalled because they are needed for course reserves are due back at the lending library 10 days from the recall request. Enter a new due date that will allow you to get the item back to the lending library within 10 days into the Due Date field, add a note stating that the item is needed for course reserves at the lending library to the Internal Note field, and then click the OK button.
3. Once the item has been returned by the user, return it to the lending library as you would any other resource sharing request.