How do I delete/withdraw multiple item records at once?



  • Create a set
  • Use "Change Physical Item Information" job to add "wdn" to statistics note #1. If you don't need to track your deletions, don't add the note.
  • Use Withdraw Items job to delete items in the set

Create a set:

  • Do a Physical Items search for item records to be deleted. Create set and review it to make sure all of the records should be deleted
  • Or create an itemized set from a .csv or .xlsx file of barcodes


Add "wdn" to set of records:

  1. Run the "Change Physical Item Information" job to add "wdn" to the item records Statistical Notes 1 field
    • Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
    • Search by name: "Change Physical items information"
    • Click on the radio button next to "Change Physical items information" job
    • Click Next
    • Click on the radio button next to the set of item records
    • Click Next
      select set
    • Scroll down Statistics Note 1
      • Click on the box next to Statistics Note 1
      • Type wdn in the text box
      • Condition: unconditionally
    • Click Next
      add wdn
    • Review the set
    • Click Submit
      submit job
    • Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears  


Run the "Withdraw Items" job 

  1. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
  2. Search by Name: Withdraw Physical Items
  3. Click on the radio button next to the Withdraw Physical Items job
  4. Click Next
  5. Click on the radio button next to the set the items records will be deleted
  6. Click Next
  7. Select the Parameters for the job
    • How to handle holdings without items and bibliographic records: [Select Delete holdings, delete bibliographic records that have no other holdings]
    • Check the boxes next to other parameters for records with certain criteria where the item record(s) should not be deleted
  8. Click Next
    delete items job
  9. Review the job
  10. Click Submit
  11. Click Confirm
  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2024
  • Views 296
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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