How do I add an Item Record to an existing title?
Adding an Item Record from a Repository Search:
- Perform a Physical Title repository search for the title
- Click Items from the ellipses
- Click Add Item
- Physical Item Editor Opens
- Populate the appropriate fields (typical fields are outlined in the image)
- Barcode
- Material Type
- Receiving Date
- Permanent Physical Location (defaults to the current items permanent physical location)
- DO NOT use Item Policy UNLESS it is an exception item policy not included in a Fulfillment Unit
- Only active POLs can be added to an item record (closed or canceled POLs cannot be added unless they are reopened)
- Scan the barcode last as it acts as a hard return
- Populate the appropriate fields (typical fields are outlined in the image)
- New item record has been added to the title
- Click Back (or < List of Items)