How can I change the item status to missing or in place for a set of records?


The "Change Physical Items Information" job can be run on a set of physical items to change the item process type to "Missing" and change the item status from "Item In Place" to "Item Not In Place," or to change it back to Item in Place:

Create a logical or itemized set of physical items:

  1. Scan the barcodes into Excel and save the set as an Excel file or .csv
    • Make sure the Header for the barcode column is Barcode
  2. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Manage Sets
  3. Click Create Itemized Set
  4. The Set Details screen opens
    • Name: [mandatory]
    • Description: [optional]
    • Set Content Type: Physical Items
    • Private: [Defaults to Yes, can change it to No if others need access to the set]
    • Active: Yes
    • Add items to set: From file
    • Select the file
    • Click Create

Run a job on the set:

  1. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
  2. Select the Change physical items information job
  3. Click Next
  4. Click on the radio button next to the itemized set created in step 1
  5. Click Next
    • Under Change other fields: 
      1. Click on the check box next to missing
      2. From the Missing drop-down select Missing or leave it blank if you're switching to Item in place
      3. Condition: [keep unconditional]
      4. Click Next
      5. Review the job parameters
      6. Click Submit
      7. Click Confirm when the pop-up confirmation message appears
  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2024
  • Views 242
  • Answered By

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