Can you import bib records in Alma without creating a POL and other inventory?


Yes, bib records can be imported into Alma without creating POLs (order records) and other inventory. You will need to create a repository import profile with no inventory in order to import bib records into Alma.

Create a Non-Inventory Import Profile For Bib Records Import:

  1. Go to Resources>Import>Manage Import Profiles
  2. Click Add New Profile
  3. Select Repository
  4. Click Next
    1. Use Network Zone: 
      1. For an NZ import profile: Keep Checked
      2. For an IZ import profile: Uncheck
    2. Profile Name: [name the set - mandatory]
    3. Description: [optional]
    4. Originating System: [select the vendor]
    5. File pattern: [leave blank]
    6. Import Protocol:
      1. Upload Files
    7. Crosswalk:[No]
    8. Physical Source Format: Binary
    9. Encoding Format: UTF-8
    10. Source Format: MARC21 Bibliographic
    11. Target Format: MARC21 Bibliographic
    12. Status: Active
  5. Click Next
    1. Filter Out Data Using: 
      1. NZ: SUNY Remove E-Resources and 066 Filter and 040 $b not ENG
      2. IZ: leave blank
    2. Correct Data Using:
      1. NZ: SUNY NZ OCLC import
      2. IZ: use Copy of SUNY NZ OCLC Import
    3. Handle Invalid Data Using: MarcXML Bib Metadata Editing On Save
  6. Click Next
    1. Match Profile
      1. Match by Serial / Non Serial:  Yes
      2. Serial and Non Serial Match Method:
        1. Unique OCLC Identifier Match Method if the 035 includes (OCoLC)
        2. 035 (other system identifier) match method if the 035 does not include (OCoLC)
        3. ISSN/024/035 Match Method and ISBN/024/035 Match Method if no OCLC number is included
    2. Match Actions:
      1. Handling Method: Automatic
      2. Upon Match: Merge
      3. Check the box for Single match - match only record with the same inventory type (electronic/physical)
      4. Merge Method: SUNY Overlay All But Local Fields
      5. DO NOT USE: Do not Override/merge a record with a lower brief version
        1. Causes errors and will not update bib records with the same brief level
      6. Do not override/merge record with an older version: Disabled
    3. Automatic Multi-Match Handling
      1. Preferred record: Record with the highest brief level
    4. Handle Record Redirection:
      1. Canceled Record: Delete
    5. No Match:
      1. Upon no match: Import
  7. Click Next
    • Synchronize with OCLC: [choose to Publish Bibliographic records or Don't Publish]
    • Condition: Unconditionally
  8. Click Next
    • Inventory Operations: select None
  9. Click Save



  • Last Updated Jun 21, 2024
  • Views 467
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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