How do I process hold requests?
Hold requests allow your users to use Primo to have items pulled from the stacks and placed on hold for them. When a user submits a hold request for an item, that item is added to your Pick From Shelf list. To process the request, you will need to print the request, retrieve the item from the stacks, scan the item in, and place the item on the hold shelf. To do this work you will need the Requests Operator (scoped to library and circulation desk) role.
Hold requests can be converted to resource sharing requests if the requested item cannot be found. To do that, you will need the Fulfillment Services Manager (scoped to the institution) role. You can ask Ex Libris to enable this for the Fulfillment Services Operator and Requests Operator role, as well.
Processing Hold Requests
1. Go to Fulfillment | Resource Requests | Pick from Shelf
2. Check the box(es) next to the request(s) you wish to print (or check the Select All box if you wish to print all requests) and then click the Print Slip link (not the Print Slip Report button). The Ful Resource Request Slip Letter will print.
3. Once the requested item has been pulled from the stacks, go to Fulfillment | Resource Requests | Scan In Items.
4. Make sure Automatically Print Slip set to Yes, enter the requested item's barcode into the Barcode field, and then click the OK button. The Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter will print at the circulation desk printer. The item will be placed on hold for the user, and the user will be sent the On Hold Shelf Letter.
Managing Requests for Items That Cannot Be Found
If a requested item cannot be found, you can do one of three things. All of these things can be done from either the Pick From Shelf list or Monitor Requests & Item Processes (go to Fulfillment | Resource Requests | Monitor Requests & Item Processes).
1. Convert the request to a Resource Sharing Request. The requested item will be removed from the Pick From Shelf list, the hold request will be cancelled, and the user will receive the Ful Cancel Request Letter with a cancelation reason of "Converted to resource sharing request." A new resource sharing request will be created, and that request will appear in your Borrowing Requests list. The status of the requested item will remain "Item In Place."
2. Mark the item as missing. The requested item will be removed from the Pick From Shelf list, the hold request will be cancelled, and the user will receive the Ful Cancel Request Letter with a cancelation reason of "Requested material cannot be located." The status of the requested item will change to "Item Not In Place," and the process type will change to "Missing."
3. Cancel the request. The requested item will be removed from the Pick From Shelf list, and the user will receive the Ful Cancel Request Letter with the cancelation reason you selected from the Cancellation Reason dropdown. The status of the requested item will remain "Item In Place."