How can I add a local facet to Primo VE?


Local Primo VE facets can be added in one of two ways, using either the

  • Bibliographic field method: this method supports the mapping of fields 09x, 490, 5XX, 69X, and 9XX and all their subfields. It does not require any re-indexing after defining a new field.
  • Normalization rules method: this method uses custom normalization rules to map fields from the source records to local display and facet fields.
  • Read more about which Adding a Local field option is best before proceeding


Using Bibliographic field method:

1. Add a Local Display Field:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Manage Display and Local Fields
  2. Click Add Field>Add Local Field
  3. The Define Local Field screen displays
    • Field to edit: [Select a field to use]
    • Display Label*: [Type the label to display in Primo VE]
    • Under Local Field Details check the boxes next to "Enable field for search" (if preferred) and "Enable field for facet"
    • Click Add MARC21 Fields
      1. Select the local field
      2. Click Add
    • Edit the MARC21 normalization rule for display:
      1. Click Edit from the ellipsis next to the norm rule
      2. Edit the rule and replace the XXX with the MARC field being used. See exampled below:

        rule "Primo VE - Lds11"
        MARC."694" has any "a"
        create pnx."display"."lds11" with MARC "694" sub without sort "a"
      3. Click Save
  4. Click Save

2. Edit the Appropriate "Out-of-the-box" Display Field:

  1. Remain in Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Manage Display and Local Fields
  2. Edit the out-of-the-box display field norm rules that will include the local field
    1. Add the display field if it does not already exist
      1. Click Add Field>Add Display Field
      2. Select the field
      3. Move to step 2
    2. Click Edit from the ellipses of the out-of-the-box display field
    3. Add a display norm rule for the field and 880-[field]. See examples below:

      rule "Primo VE Display- Subject 694"
      MARC."694" has any "a"
      set TEMP"1" to MARC."694" subfields "a" delimited by " " remove substring using regex "\\.+$"
      create pnx."display"."subject" with TEMP"1"

      rule "Primo VE Display- Subject 880-694"
      MARC."880" has any "a-u,w" AND
      MARC."880"."6" match "694-.*"
      set TEMP"1" to MARC."880" subfields "a-u,w" delimited by " " remove substring using regex "\\.+$"
      create pnx."display"."subject" with TEMP"1"
    4. Click Save
    5. Click Back

3. Apply the Rules:

  1. Remain in Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Manage Display and Local Fields
  2. Click Apply Rules

4. Configure Views:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Configure Views
  2. Click Edit from the default view (repeat for any other views being used)
  3. Click on Full Record Services
  4. Click on the ellipsis next to details/Record details
  5. Choose Configure
  6. Click on Add Field and then choose Add Field again in the pop-up box
  7. Start typing the name of the field, choose the correct field and Add, then click Done
  8. Click on Brief Results
  9. Click Add Local Facet
    1. Select the local facet being used
    2. Click Add Local Facet
  10. Edit the local facet if necessary:
    1. Edit the number of values to display by using the drop-down menu
    2. Edit the sort type value to display by using the drop-down menu
    3. Edit the search profile slot to be used:
      1. Click Edit from the ellipses
      2. Select or deselect search scopes
      3. Click Done
  11. Use the arrows to move where the local facet will display

Using Normalization rules method:

1. Add a Local Field using Search and Facet Normalization Rules:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Other>Local Fields using Search and Facet Normalization Rules
  2. Click Add
  3. Select the local field or use the default. Only available local fields will display in list
  4. Click Add New Local Field
  5. This local field will be used in the following steps

2. Add a Local Display Field:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Manage Display and Local Fields
  2. Click Add Field>Add Local Field
  3. The Define Local Field screen displays
    1. Field to edit*: [Select the local field selected in step 1]
    2. Display Label*: [Type the label to display in Primo VE]
    3. Under Local Field Details check the boxes next to "Enable field for search" (if preferred) and "Enable field for facet"
    4. Edit the display and search and facet norm rules:
      1. MARC21 normalization for display:
        1. Click Edit from the ellipses of the display norm rule
        2. Edit the rule and replace the XXX with the MARC field being used. See example below:

          rule "Primo VE - Lds12"
          MARC."694" has any "a"
          create pnx."display"."lds12" with MARC "694" sub without sort "a"
        3. Click Save
      2. MARC21 normalization rule for search and facet:
        1. Click Edit from the ellipses of the display norm rule
        2. Edit the rule and replace the XXX with the MARC field being used. See example below:
          rule "Primo VE Marc - Lsr12"
          MARC."694" has any "a"
          create pnx."search"."lsr12" with MARC "694" sub without sort "a"
        3. Click Save
  4. Click Save

3. Apply the Rules:

  1. Remain in Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Manage Display and Local Fields
  2. Click Apply Rules

4. Configure Views:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Display Configuration>Configure Views
  2. Click Edit from the default view (repeat for any other views being used)
  3. Click on Full Record Services
  4. Click on the ellipsis next to details/Record details
  5. Choose Configure
  6. Click on Add Field and then choose Add Field again in the pop-up box
  7. Start typing the name of the field, choose the correct field and Add, then click Done
  8. Click on Brief Results
  9. Click Add Local Facet
    1. Select the local facet being used
    2. Click Add Local Facet
  10. Edit the local facet if necessary:
    1. Edit the number of values to display by using the drop-down menu
    2. Edit the sort type value to display by using the drop-down menu 
    3. Edit the search profile slot to be used:
      1. Click Edit from the ellipses
      2. Select or deselect search scopes
      3. Click Done
  11. Use the arrows to move where the local facet will display

5. Re-index records affected

  1. Re-index a set of records by choosing one of the below options:
    1. Opening a case with Ex Libris and provide them with the public set name
    2. NZ linked records can be re-indexed by SUNY Library Services staff.
      1. Share the set to the Network
      2. Provide the SLS Team with the set name shared to the NZ

Ex Libris Documentation:


  • Last Updated Dec 07, 2023
  • Views 1356
  • Answered By Margaret McGee

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