How do I use Alma's Print Slip Report Web App?
Alma's Print Slip Report functionality allows you to print your Pick From Shelf list on a single piece of paper (as opposed to printing a separate slip for each requested item). The Print Slip Report contains numerous columns, and it must be printed from Excel. The Print Slip Report web app allows you to print only certain columns of the Print Slip Report directly from your web browser.
Before you can use an Alma cloud app, you must first enable cloud apps for your library. Instructions on how to do that are here:
In order to use the Print Slip Report cloud app, you must know the Alma code for both your library and your circulation desk. To find your library's Alma code, go to Configuration | General | Libraries | Add or Edit Library Information, click on the Libraries tab, and then look at the value in the Path column. Your library code is listed at the very end of the path.
To find your circulation desk's code, go to Configuration, select your library from the Configuring dropdown, go to Fulfillment | Library Management | Circulation Desks, and look at the value in the Code column.
Installing the Shelf Report Web App
1. Click the Cloud App Center button in the upper left corner of the main Alma screen.
Note: If you are not seeing that button, your library has not yet enabled cloud apps. Instructions on how to do that are here:
2. Click the Available Apps tab, scroll down to the Print Slip Report app (it's currently on the second page of available apps), click the Print Slip Report icon, and then click the Install button.
Using the Print Slip Report Web App
1. Click the Cloud App Center button in the upper left corner of the main Alma screen.
2. Make sure you're on the Installed Apps tab and then click on the Print Slip Report web app icon.
3. Enter your library and circulation desk codes into the Library Code and Circulation Desk Code fields, check the boxes next to the columns you would like to print, and then click the Print button. A new page with your Pick From Shelf list will open. You can then print that page as you would any other document.