What is the process for migrating to a new electronic resources proxy?


This is a list of steps typically involved in transitioning to a new proxy service. 

Vendor forms: 

  • You’ll receive forms requesting information about things like your current proxy practices, IP ranges, campus contact for authentication set-up, etc. SLS and your IT department will be able to help you with this. 

Current proxy files: 

  • Have files like your current config.txt, users.txt, etc. handy to share with your new service provider. You may need to contact your IT department to get these files. 

Current resource list with URLs: 

  • Create a list of your current resources and the URL used to access them. Using your A-Z list, config.txt file, and Alma can help with this. 
  • This may be provided to your new service provider and will help with testing links using the new service to make sure things are configured properly when the time comes. 

New IP address: 

  • You will receive a new IP address for your proxy service. 
  • Contact resource providers to have them add your new IP address. Some can be updated in admin areas online, others require emails to support or phone calls. 
  • This can happen at any point prior to going live with your new service. Request that it be added as an additional authorized IP, rather than replacing your current proxy IP address. 

Authentication set-up: 

  • Campus IT will work with your new proxy service to get authentication (SAML, etc.) working. Links cannot be tested until this is done. 
  • Note: This is an ideal time to make sure that your proxy and Primo are using the same authentication method. 

Check links:

  • Test your access links using your new proxy prefix and troubleshoot any issues you encounter. 
  • Note: testing should be done from a device outside your campus IP range.  

Change permalinks in database: 

  • Update proxy prefix / permalink settings in your resource provider admin areas, as needed. Not all providers offer proxied permalinks, but those that do will need to be updated to reflect your new proxy. Note: this can be done even before the new proxy is officially live, as long as you confirmed that linking is working using the new proxy service. 
  • For EBSCO, also make sure to check the Root Proxy Setting in your holdings area if you're using Smartlinks to link users to the full-text of articles in other EBSCO databases:
    root proxy setting

Change Alma default proxy: 

  • Once you're sure everything is working, set up a new integration profile with the new proxy. Don’t override the old proxy, just in case there’s a problem and you need to revert to it. When you're ready to go live, make the old proxy not the default, and check the checkbox for default on the new proxy.  
  • Do an advanced portfolio search to identify and update any portfolios or collections with permalinks that contain your old proxy prefix. This may also be a good time to link them to the CZ where possible. 

Update External Links to Resources:  

  • In LibGuides: Change the default proxy to the new hosted proxy. Use find/replace under Tools to update any links that have the old proxy prefix.  
  • Check anywhere else you might have proxied links to your resources (Brightspace, campus webpages, etc.) and update them as needed. 

Test Accounts:

  • If you provided a test account on self-hosted EZproxy for agencies like Askus24x7, you may need to work with your campus IT to create a new test account in whatever authentication system you'll be using with the new hosted proxy (e.g. SAML, CAS, etc.)
  • Last Updated Nov 19, 2024
  • Views 131
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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