How will we be able to search SUNY as a whole, and how can I add the SUNY Catalog to my everything scope?


Ex Libris has set up a SUNY catalog search for each campus, called NewDiscoveryNetwork. You can see it listed in your Discovery>Search Configuration>Search Profiles, and it also shows in your Discovery>Display Configuration>Configure Views>edit view, Search Profiles Slots tab.

It's up to the individual campus to decide whether or not they would like to incorporate this scope into the “everything” search or other searches. Pros are that content would be more easily discoverable, cons are that it muddies the water in terms of what you own, and it could increase ILL work-load and put lending strain on smaller campuses. If you decide to add the SUNY Catalog, you can boost your institutional holdings so that they come up higher in the list.

If you want to add the SUNY Catalog to your everything search, the best way to do it is to set up a new Custom Search Profile, Discovery>Search Configuration>Search Profiles:

add search profile

You need to give it a Code, a display name, and then add the scopes that you want to include, which should be CentralIndex (articles), NZPhysical (will include your local holdings), IZElectronic, and IZDigital.

custom profile

To change your everything search to this new search profile, go to Discovery>Display Configuration>Configure Views>edit view, Search Profiles Slots tab. Edit the Everything slot and in the "Select Search Profiles for slot" section, deactivate the old profile and activate the new one.

everything profiles



  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2024
  • Views 260
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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