How do I update/overlay a brief bib record with an OCLC WorldCat record in the NZ?


Use the following workflow when adding an OCLC # to a brief bib record that does not contain an OCLC number.

Note that this workflow is meant to be used for brief bibs in the NZ. If you have a brief bib in your IZ, you'd need to add the OCLC number there and then share it with the NZ and follow the rest of the workflow below.

To update a brief bib record in Alma:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Click Editing Actions>Add Field
  3. Add the 035 field with the OCLC # as follows:
    • 035 _ _ $$a (OCoLC)############
      • Indicators are empty and shown as _ _ to represent they are empty
      • ########## represents the OCLC number
      • Full example: 035 _ _ $$a (OCoLC)1121603144
  4. Click the Save icon
    • See below to learn how to handle brief records that match to an existing NZ record upon Save
  5. Click Record Actions>Release Record
    • Make sure the bib record has been released from the MD Editor prior to exporting the bib record from OCLC. If the record is locked the record will be unable to be exported from OCLC to Alma
  6. Export the bib record from OCLC to Alma
  7. Check to make sure the NZ bib record and the IZ linked to the NZ bib record have been updated to a full bib record


How to handle brief bib records that match to an existing NZ bib record based on the OCLC number:

If a matching bib record exists, a "Confirmation required" pop-up message will appear asking "Matched record/s exist in the catalog, do you want to view them before saving? 

  1. Click Yes
  2. The matching record opens in the right-side of the split screen editor
  3. Click View from the record on the right-side of the split screen editor
  4. Review the records to make sure they are matching records
    • Bib records match on the OCLC number:
      • Network Zone (NZ) matching records will have the same master bib record
      • Institution Zone (IZ) matching records may have different bib records and contain distinctive local notes
  5. Determine if the record in the left-side of the MD Editor is the primary bib record or not
    • The record on the right-side of the MD Editor is the secondary record
    • The secondary record merges with the primary record
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the record on the right-side of the MD Editor
  7. Select Edit
  8. Click Execute
    • If the record on the left-side (primary record) is not the record you want to merge with then:
      • Click the "X" in the upper right corner of the primary record to close it displaying in the MD Editor
      • The Secondary record (right-side of the MD Editor) will open fully in the MD Editor
      • Click the "Editor Split Mode" icon
      • Click on the record you closed using the X from the records list in the MD Editor
  9. Click into the record on the right-side of the MD Editor (primary record)
  10. Click Record Actions
  11. Click Merge & Combine
  12. Select the Merge routine
    • NZ records - use SUNY - Overlay All Field But Local Fields
    • IZ records - select the merge rule that merges the IZ only records as desired
  13. Click Show merge preview to view how the merge will look
  14. Update Holdings Call Number:
    • NZ: keep unchecked
    • IZ: check only if you want the holdings call number of the secondary record to be changed to the call number from the primary record
  15. Secondary Record: Delete
    • Delete the secondary record or it will remain in the repository and continue to cause matches
  16. Click Ok
  17. Click Save>Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)
  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 2100
  • Answered By

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