How can I retrieve the records of withdrawn materials in Analytics?

Records that have been withdrawn following the SUNY "wdn" withdrawal procedures can be retrieved in Analytics using the following process:

  1. Log into Analytics and create a new analysis in the "Physical Items" subject area (Note: you will need the appropriate Analytics roles)
  2. Add fields to the report that will be useful for assessing the data. Such fields may include: Title, MMSID, Location, Permanent Call Number, Barcode, and Modification Date
  3. Add the filter Statistics Note 1 (found in the Physical Item Details) and include the default operator "is equal to / is in" and the value "wdn"
  4. You may want to add an additional filter to Modification Date to more precisely define the time period you are interested in.
  5. Alter, export, or save the report as needed


  • Last Updated Oct 02, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Marcy Strong

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