How do I configure Alma's Booking Request feature?
In order to configure Booking requests, you will need to do the following.
- Configure Booking fulfillment policies
- Create Booking terms of use
- Create Booking fulfillment unit rules
- Edit Booking request form (optional)
All of this work should be done at the Institution level. To do this work, you will need either the Fulfillment Administrator or General System Administrator role. The only exception is editing the Booking request form. If you want to do that and your do not have the General System Administrator role, you'll need the Discovery Administrator role.
Configuring Booking Fulfillment Policies
The following Booking fulfillment policies should be configured before you create a Booking TOU. For more information on configuring Fulfillment policies, please see
- Back to Back Booking - The minimum amount of time required between consecutive booking requests for the same resource & requester.
- Booking Release Time - The amount of time after a booking request takes effect that the institution holds the resource for the requesting patron.
- Future Limit - How far in advance an item can be reserved through a booking request.
- Is Item Bookable - Whether booking is allowed.
- Maximum Allowed Booking Length - The maximum permitted duration of the booking request.
- Pickup Location - The locations where a patron can request to pick up a requested item. Note: This is the same Pickup Location fulfillment policy used in Request TOUs.
- Preview Period - The amount of time prior to the booking period that the requester can borrow the item. During this time frame, the resource is blocked from patrons other than the requester.
- Booking Resolution - Allows you to define the allowed resolution of your booking request. The policy has four values: Minutes, Hours, Days, Days Plus Overnight
For additional information on Booking fulfillment policies, please see
Creating a Booking Terms of Use
The Booking fulfillment policies you've configured must now be grouped into a Booking TOU. Booking TOUs are configured in the same manner as Loan and Request TOUs. For information on how to configure a TOU, please see
Creating a Booking Fulfillment Unit Rule
The Booking TOU you created must now be applied to fulfillment units via fulfillment unit rules. Booking fulfillment unit rules behave much like Request fulfillment unit rules and can be configured in the same manner. For information on how to configure a fulfillment unit rule, please see
Note: If a Booking TOU that allows Booking requests is applied to a fulfillment unit, the Primo request link will appear for items in that fulfillment unit even if that fulfillment unit's On Shelf Request Policy is set to "No Requesting from Available Holding" or "No Requesting."
If your Booking TOU has the Booking Resolution policy set to either Minutes or Hours, your users will need to select a specific booking time. The options are listed in military time, but this is not readily apparent in the default request form view. You may want to edit the Hours label to indicate that the listed options are in military time.
1. Go to Configuration | Discovery | Display Configuration | Labels
2. Scroll down to the Request Tab Messages Label table, click the ellipsis for that table, and then click Customize.
3. Change the nui.DatePicker.hour description value from "Hour" to "Hour (military time)" and then click the Customize button.
You may also want to edit the following labels in the Requests Labels table.
- Check Availability: almaRequest.checkAvailability
- Start Date: almaRequest.startDate
- End Date: almaRequest.endDate